Aiming your brain to achieve effective change.
Simply put, it’s a clear and specific goal that directs your thoughts and actions towards a desired outcome.
Consider the following scenario: You enter a restaurant and tell the waiter, “just bring me some food.” While this approach may work if you’re an adventurous eater, it could lead to disappointment if the food doesn’t meet your expectations.
In situations like these, it’s important to provide clear direction to avoid any misunderstandings. Similarly, when it comes to overcoming fear or changing habits, you need to give your neurology useful instructions to help you achieve your desired outcome.
Having a well-formed outcome helps you focus your thoughts and actions towards a specific goal. It gives your neurology a clear direction to aim for, increasing your chances of success.
So, next time you set a goal for yourself, make sure it’s well-formed to maximize your chances of achieving it.
So why does a well-formed outcome matter?
While our conscious mind can process logic and meaning, our unconscious mind works differently. It doesn’t compute negations, such as “don’t” or “won’t”. So, when you say or think “I don’t want to be scared”, your unconscious mind may not understand what you want instead.
This is why it’s important to focus on what you do want, rather than what you don’t want. A well-formed outcome helps you do just that.
By stating your desired outcome in positive terms, you give your unconscious mind clear instructions on what to aim for. This increases the likelihood of achieving your desired outcome and changing habits effectively.
So, whether you’re trying to overcome fear or change a habit, remember to focus on what you want, and make sure your outcome is well-formed to give your unconscious mind the right direction to take you where you want to be.