Hypnotherapy in London and South Bucks. All our clinics are fully open. Appointments available online and face to face.
PhobiaGone’s Terms and Conditions
We believe that we treat clients fairly and aim to treat you in the same way we would want to be treated by a company. Our terms and conditions are designed to be fair to both the client and PhobiaGone. If you’re unhappy with the service you’ve received please tell us and we’ll do our best to put things right. If you are happy please tell other people about us. Every year we get more work via personal referrals.
These terms and conditions apply specifically to this website only and clients booking appointments with Paul Wright in South Buckinghamshire, London Harley Street and online. PhobiaGone may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from 10th Jan 2007.
Privacy policy & patient confidentiality
Any information given by you will be treated in the strictest confidence and in accordance with the data protection act. We do not pass any client details to any third party for any marketing or promotional use.
With your permission your session may be audio recorded for both quality monitoring purposes and also so that you can listen back to your session, if so you may be offered a free copy of the session on a CD as an mp3 file. The recording will not be used for any other purposes.
If you choose you may have a friend or relative with you during the appointment all that we ask is that they are quiet while we are working with you and if they have any appropriate questions we will be happy to answer them at the end of the appointment. Unfortunately, we are unable to allow small children in with you during the appointment as we need to have your full attention rather than being distracted.
If in our opinion the client is deemed to be a danger to themselves or to others or if there is any legal reason for disclosure we would be required to take appropriate action and notify the appropriate people or agencies.
If the client tells us that they have committed a serious crime i.e. murder, an act of terrorism etc, then under UK law we have a legal requirement to notify the appropriate authorities.
Forms & appointment bookings
To book your appointment we require certain information and you may be emailed some forms to complete and return to us before your first appointment. By signing your client information form you agree with our terms and conditions and are confirming that all the details you have given on your form are true and correct. Any information that we hold will be treated in the strictest confidence and in accordance with data protection regulations.
A £100 deposit is required to confirm appointments. In the case of clients seeking help with addictions, the full fee must be paid in advance of your appointment.
By paying the deposit you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that if you fail to attend the appointment the full amount of the missed appointment will be charged. Appointments cancelled with less than the required notice of 72 hours for Harley Street and 48 hours for Stoke Poges and eClinic online appointments will be subject to a cancellation fee. See below for more details about our cancellations & missed appointments policy.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment is due in advance of your appointment and can be made by credit/debit card, PayPal, or BACS. Payment is always to be made in £ sterling. Unfortunately, because the banks stopped accepting cheque guarantee cards as of 1st July 2011 we are unable to accept payment by cheque. The clinic operates a strict cancellation policy with a minimum of 72 hours notice required for Harley Street appointments and 48 hours notice required for Stoke Poges or online appointments to cancel or move an appointment. Missed appointments are charged in full. If for any reason you are unable to make the payment on the day of your appointment a £30 administration charge may be added to our fees.
Appointment Packages – Unless otherwise agreed in writing, any follow up appointments that are part of a package are valid for 6 months from the date of the initial appointment. At the end of that 6 month period, any unused appointments will expire. Please note clients are responsible for making sure that any appointments purchased as part of a package are taken with 6 months from the date of the initial appointment. We are unable to give refunds for any unused appointment.
Please Note Cancellation of a booking is subject to the following conditions
To alter or cancel any appointment you must inform us in writing of your decision to cancel which must be sent via text message or email to the therapist/clinic that you have booked or call 07768 877 719. The clinic requires a minimum of 72 hours notice for Harley Street and 48 hours notice for Stoke Poges or online appointments to enable us to try and fill the appointment. If less than the required notice is given we reserve the right to charge you for up to the full amount of the appointment. Missed appointments are charged in full.
If you give us more than the required notice of 72 hours for Harley Street and 48 hours for Stoke Poges and eClinic online appointments you may move or cancel your appointment without incurring any charges.
Because we are dealing with human behaviour, we are unable to give any guarantees that we will be successful but we will do our best to help you achieve the results that you want. Any payments made are for our time as a consultant and not for any guarantee of results. If you have any questions following your appointment please contact Paul Wright directly on 07768 877 719 or via paul@phobiagone.com
Due to the nature of the work we do and the fact that we do not guarantee results we are unable to offer any refunds for sessions taken. If you book a package and then at the end of the initial appointment decide that you have changed your mind and want to try a different approach we can change it to an hourly booking and the appointment will be charged at the clinics’ full hourly rate for the time spent with the client.
Appointment timings
Please note we will always aim for appointments to start on time. There may however, be occasions when for clinical reasons the previous appointment needs to overrun. If this happens we will do our best to ensure you still get the full time you need.
Due to the fact we can’t guarantee how long is needed to complete each section of treatment there may be times when your appointment may over run or we may need to pause and resume treatment at the next appointment.
Please arrive on time for your appointment. If you are late for your appointment we will still need to finish on time to prevent the following patients appointment being delayed.
Please note the clinic operates the standard ‘therapeutic hour’ protocol. Appointments listed as 2 hours allow 1 hour and 50 minutes with the patient and 10 minutes for writing patient notes. Appointments listed as 1 hour allow 50 minutes with the patient and 10 minutes for writing patient notes.
The time limit also encourages good use of time. The 50 minute therapeutic hour is common practice in psychotherapy practice and talking therapies.
7 day cooling-off period and refunds
If you choose to take a package offer you have a 7 day cooling-off period starting from the date the initial appointment. Please note, if you choose to cancel the package, as per UK law you are still legally required to pay for any appointments (services) taken during that period which will then be charged at the clinic’s full hourly rate in operation at the time of the initial appointment. You must inform us in writing within 7 days of the initial appointment date – by email or letter – of your decision to cancel and it must be either emailed to paul@phobiagone.com or sent by recorded post to Paul Wright, 7 Plough Lane, Stoke Poges, South Bucks, SL2 4JR. We can’t take responsibility for any letters not delivered or lost in the post. If following the 7 day cooling-off period you decide for whatever reason to discontinue our services and not use whatever remaining time that you have paid for there will be no refunds given.
In the case of treatment for addictions or lying if you have been asked to pay for your appointment in advance and then choose to cancel the booking and have given us more than 48 hours notice in writing by recorded delivery post or via email we will refund the payment for the appointment in full minus any card processing fees. If you give us 24 hours notice and we are able to fill your appointment Phobia Gone will not charge you. If we are unable to fill your appointment a £100 cancellation fee will be charged. If you give us less than 24 hours notice the full fee for your session may be charged.
Time scales
Please note that the length of time it takes to overcome the issues we deal with varies from patient to patient. This is due to the specific nature of the issue we’re dealing with and a number of other factors. We can not and do not make any claims about the specific number of appointments required nor the time scale in which the problem can be resolved.
We want you to be comfortable. Please wear comfortable clothing that you can feel relaxed in. Covid regulations require that even on very cold days we have to keep windows open for good ventilation. If the weather is cold you’re welcome to keep a warm coat on.
Please note that we do not give nor offer any guarantee that our methods will work. We work with human behaviour and can not be held responsible for any clients behaviour. We can not wave a magic wand to make you change your behaviour nor can we force you to do or feel anything against your wishes. The methods that we use are educational and are designed to put you back in control of your responses and how you feel.
We can not be held responsible for any results caused by you choosing to not follow our advice nor for you doing things differently to our suggestions or contrary to our advice. We can not force anyone to change against their will and so the educational service we provide during appointments is given as advice and it is up to the client as to whether you choose to accept the advice.
Whilst we always aim to do our best to help please be aware that each individual responds differently. We make no guarantee that we can solve your issues. Please be aware that results may vary from person to person. We do not offer a miracle cure or a magic wand. Our intention is to enable you to help yourself via a better understanding & awareness of the problem. We facilitate change by empowering you to help yourself make the appropriate changes.
No therapist can give any guarantee of results and we do not make any such claim as being able to do so.
If you’re unhappy about any aspect of your treatment please talk to us and we’ll do our best to resolve any issues.
Prices, special offers and price reductions
PhobiaGone reserves the right to withdraw or cancel any special offers, packages or discounts that may have been offered by the therapist/clinic. Pre-payment may be required in full for appointments booked with discount.
Treatment packages are only available for 1 treatment cycle. Following that treatment is then charged at the standard hourly rate.
Our prices are regularly reviewed and subject to change.
Discount not available in conjunction with any other offer.
We treat our clients with respect and expect that you treat us with respect. Aggressive language or behaviour will not be accepted not tolerated and may lead to any / all offers being withdrawn without notice.
You may be asked to complete a medical questioner. It is essential that your answers are completely honest and that you disclose all known medical conditions and medication (both professionally prescribed or self-medicated) and any reasons or medical conditions that may prevent you from being a suitable candidate for hypnotherapy. You MUST also disclose any mental health issues or any history of being sectioned (voluntary or via doctor/police) under the mental health act. We reserve the right to refuse to treat or discontinue treatment in any case where we have not been fully made aware of any medical or mental health condition or reason that could be a contraindication for the use of hypnotherapy or associated treatments.
Medical referrals
There may be times when having seen you as a client that if we believe for whatever reason you need to been seen by an appropriate medical specialist we reserve the right to refer you back to your GP or other appropriate medical specialists. This may include us declining to continue treating you until such time the appropriate medical practitioner has given you the all-clear to continue treatment. Even if you are given the all-clear we still reserve the right to decline you as a client.
Complaints procedure
If you’re unhappy about any aspect of your treatment please talk to us and we’ll do our best to resolve any issues. We always do our best to help patients but please note no therapist or medical professional can give any guarantee or assurance of success. We are aware that some other therapists and websites may offer guarantees of success however doing so breaks professional guidance and regulations.
Any complaints must be made in writing within 7 days of the initial appointment and must be either emailed to paul@phobiagone.com or sent by post to Paul Wright, 7 Plough Lane, Stoke Poges, South Bucks, SL2 4JR. If you are sending it by post we suggest that you use recorded delivery so that you can confirm receipt as we can not be held responsible for any letters lost in the post.
Please note as therapists we do not give any formal diagnosis nor do we claim to. A formal diagnosis can only be given by a suitably qualified medical doctor. In the case of psychological issues this would probably require your GP referring you to a Psychiatrist. If you require a formal diagnosis please talk to your GP.
Medical disclaimer
Please note that we are NOT medical doctors nor do we make any claim as such. We do not nor are we able to prescribe any form of medication. We do not claim that our methods are the only ones available and openly agree that they are a number of different methods available that can help people overcome the things we see people for. We do not make any claim to cure medical conditions. Our methods are NOT a replacement for conventional medical treatment. If you are suffering from a medical condition you should consult your GP or an appropriately qualified medical practitioner first before seeking alternative methods. What we do is educational and is intended to teach you how to have more control over how you feel via a number of practical methods i.e. relaxation techniques, exercises using mental imagery, changing assumptions and beliefs, looking at negative patterns of thinking etc. We can not force you to change and so the educational service we provide during appointments is given as advice and it is up to the client as to whether you choose to accept the advice. No one can give you a 100% guarantee about results and we do not make any such claim as being able to do so.
If you feel that any part of this website or its contents are misleading or offensive in any way please email us or call 07768 877 719 to let us know.
These terms and conditions are governed by UK law and apply specifically to clients seeing Paul Wright. For other therapists available via the PhobiaGone website please refer to the individual’s terms and conditions for any variations that may apply.
Phobia Gone reserves the right to update these terms and conditions without notice and to decline or discontinue working with any client without having to declare any reason. As these terms and conditions may be occasionally updated we suggest that you clear your browser’s cache and refresh this page to make sure that you are looking at our current terms & conditions. Thank you.
*Please note that while some patients can overcome the fear very quickly no therapist can guarantee success and results may vary from person to person.