Your Journey Towards Feeling Better Starts Here
Setting The Gold Standard For Clinical Hypnotherapy
We set the very high standards by which others are judged. And strive to give you the best possible service and treatment. Our aim is to help you recover and feel better.
Don’t just take our word for it. Read what our patients say.
Don’t take our word for it. Read what our patients say.
Don’t take our word for it. Read what our patients say.
Don’t take our word for it. Read what our patients say.
Thank you so much
Thank you so much
“Just wanted to say thank you so much. One session with you and I now love flying. Proof is in the picture!!
I didn’t really do anything to feel more comfortable other than process everything you told me and it just worked.
A fear never arose either time I flew this summer and it was all because I thought completely differently! Thank you once again.”
* results may vary
Fear of Needles & Needle Phobia Treatment
“Hi Paul,
Wow what can I say! We have just got back from the dentist with Cara minus 2 Teeth! She was a little nervous which you said she would be, but there were no tears, she coped and worked through it fantastically.
I know that this would not of been possible without your help for which we are very grateful. Thank you for fitting Cara in at such short notice and the kind and thoughtful care taken. You have truly helped her conquer her Needle phobia fear, which would of effected her for the rest of her life.
The dentist in Beaconsfield would like to keep your details on record for any patients they have with a phobia. Please let me know some dates for Cara’s follow up appointment and once again thank you so much for all your help.
Many thanks. *
Seamus – Cara’s father
* results may vary
Fear of public speaking
“Hi Paul,
Hope all is ok…
It’s been around 4 months since I visited, and at that point I was willing to walk out of my job because I was too scared to speak in public. Speaking in public is something that’s haunted me for as long as I can remember, and the prospect of turning into a tomato in front of dozens of work colleagues was something that was killing me inside.
The 1st team brief I had to conduct came around about a month after our consultation & I was a quivering wreck,
anxious as always. But, I stayed strong and tried facing my fears with the new techniques you had taught me.
Even though I was nowhere near ‘comfortable’ conducting the team brief, subconsciously I felt like I had something apart of me to counteract things getting out of control. I ended the brief curious about my performance, feeling slightly confident I could make the next one a little bit better…
4 months later I have come to the point where I am completely at ease during team briefs and have no fear what so ever about speaking in public. I didn’t think at the time the things you were teaching me would ever work but, they couldn’t of more brilliantly.
I would ramble for longer but my training partner is waiting outside.
Thank you Paul for everything. Your help has simply been life changing.
All the best.” *
* results may vary
Spider Phobia & Fear of Spiders
“Hi Paul,
I was going to email you. Had a great time in Oz and……. three days into the holiday we had a visitor!! He was definitely a ‘George Clooney’ and about 6″ in diameter but he stayed up high on the ceiling (about 15ft) for three days and then disappeared. I was fine – absolutely fine!I did keep checking to see where he was but happily sat in the same room. In fact I was more bothered when he left – wondered where he was!!
My friends could not believe how well I coped and I was so thrilled with myself. I could certainly not have stayed in the house previously, never mind the same room. Also, I used the NLP technique to conquer another fear – travelled up a mountain side in a cable car – also a no-no before this.
I am very happy for you to use this on your website to endorse the help you gave me. Thank you so much!!!”
Pauline x
* results may vary
Anxiety Treatment
“Hi Paul,
Many thanks for this. I just wanted to thank you as I have really noticed a difference in the way I am approaching things. I used to get nervous and sweat quite heavily before big work events, but this has definitely improved since our sessions.
I have been able to see things more positively, in all areas, and I now realise that these things are not as big as I made them out to be in my own head, and I therefore deal with them a lot better.
Thanks again”
P. C.
* results may vary
Fear of Public Speaking Treatment
“Hi Paul,
Hope all is ok…
It’s been around 4 months since I visited, and at that point I was willing to walk out of my job because I was too scared to speak in public. Speaking in public is something that’s haunted me for as long as I can remember, and the prospect of turning into a tomato in front of dozens of work colleagues was something that was killing me inside.
The 1st team brief I had to conduct came around about a month after our consultation & I was a quivering wreck,
anxious as always. But, I stayed strong and tried facing my fears with the new techniques you had taught me.
Even though I was nowhere near ‘comfortable’ conducting the team brief, subconsciously I felt like I had something apart of me to counteract things getting out of control. I ended the brief curious about my performance, feeling slightly confident I could make the next one a little bit better…
4 months later I have come to the point where I am completely at ease during team briefs and have no fear what so ever about speaking in public. I didn’t think at the time the things you were teaching me would ever work but, they couldn’t of more brilliantly.
I would ramble for longer but my training partner is waiting outside.
Thank you Paul for everything. Your help has simply been life changing.
All the best.” *
* results may vary
Fear of Flying Treatment
“I used to fly everywhere, to see my parents in Hong Kong, to where I lived in Turkey and then one day in 1997 I couldn’t. I don’t know what happened but I just knew I couldn’t get on a plane.
The thought terrified me but I couldn’t really put my finger on it. I wasn’t scared of crashing, I just didn’t want to be trapped inside with a load of strangers, not in control and not able to get out.
So I managed my life around it, quite successfully actually. Well if you count never going on holiday, avoiding tubes and having to walk up countless stairs to avoid going in a lift successful.
My job as a freelance production manager often meant turning jobs down that would film abroad, there was no way I could get on the plane with clients incase I freaked out. On the very rare occasion that I had to go on holiday I did myself proud by winding myself up preflight into a stupor.
I remember having to fly to Edinburgh (a 55 minute flight) about 4 years ago and I cried every night for 2 weeks beforehand, I had got myself into a right mess. I even tried a fear of flying course but nothing worked.
Then a couple of years ago I turned my hand to travel photography, interesting hobby when you can’t actually fly anywhere. I drove to Italy, took a 3 day train journey to Turkey and a 55 hour / 7 train journey up into the Arctic, all because I just couldn’t bring myself to get on a plane. Then in January, a job I was working on in London suddenly had to be switched to Cape Town because of our terrible weather.
I decided now was the time to attempt to conquer my problem but not knowing whether I actually would. I did some research on the internet and Paul’s name kept coming up with good testimonials so I made an appointment to see him a week before I had to fly.
The first session was funny, I remember feeling relaxed a lot, laughing a lot and feeling extremely exhausted afterwards, but something had shifted, even the receptionist at work the next day said I ‘seemed’ a lot lighter. I booked my flight there and then. I had one more session before I flew which kind of ‘sealed the deal’ as it were, and two days later I was on my first long distance flight in 19 years!
I did it, even the air hostesses could not believe the problems I had beforehand, they said I seemed so relaxed.
I absolutely used to love flying and I am not saying that I have that feeling again, yet. But the most important thing for me is I did it and I could only have done it with Paul’s help.
I have no idea exactly what you did Paul but I am writing this testimonial from Austria and yes I flew here and next month I am off on a job to Barcelona! So something worked!!! Thank you for helping me ‘see’ in a different way, of course now I have to work a lot more so I can afford all the holidays I have planned!!
Oh and by the way I get in the work lift at least 4 times a day without a care in the world.”
* results may vary
Fear of Flying Treatment
“No words can describe it. Previously flying was just an impossible dream due to the fear and panic of what may happen.
I lost the fear and now feel total elation. If only I had found you ten years ago.
Thank you so much for giving me a new life.”
* results may vary
General Anxiety Disorder Treatment
“Hi Paul,
I cannot put into words how grateful I am to you. I know you said that there is no magic pill that was going to solve my problems, but I feel as though you have given me something so much better.
When I went to the session you asked me what I wanted to get out of it and at the time all I wanted was to make it through Christmas in one piece, I couldn’t even see anything beyond that. Well Christmas was awesome. I absolutely stuffed myself. What’s more, I went back to my Aunty’s again on Boxing Day and stuffed my face even more. I haven’t enjoyed food and people’s company this much in years.
I am much calmer around people. Dare I say even ‘charismatic’. I’ve been out a few times since our session, to bars and clubs and I can see people’s attitudes towards me changing right before my eyes. Some of my friends have actually commented. IT’S AMAZING!
I have no hang ups, no insecurities, no grudges, not even towards the hypnotherapist who made me dredge up the past (lol), as I used the tools you gave me to put those memories behind me, WHERE THEY BELONG.
I thought I was a victim of the world. Now I know I was a victim of my own self delusion. I used self pity and depression as a comfort mechanism and failed to see that all that did was drag me into more anal crap, to coin your phrase. When I think back to how I used to be I find myself laughing hysterically at how ridiculous I was being.
Every day since our session has been a good day. I feel so comfortable in my own skin and I’m excited about the future. Thank you for giving me my life back.“
M.L. Southampton
* results may vary
Anxiety Treatment
“Hi Paul,
I just thought I would drop you a line to say hello! I hope everything is going well for you, and that you are still helping people like you did with me.
Things are great here. Since those heady days of when i last saw you, i now manage & play in my own 70s tribute band (it is amazing, and going extremely well) called ‘The Jackie Generation’. We have an incredible line-up and have just started playing theatres.
I gave up the road for a few years to concentrate on my gallery, but i am glad to be back and in charge! As a fan of all things 70s, it really is a dream band..and our two lead singers are sensational (the girl, Janey is also my girlfriend).
I also have my original 80s band ‘Moritz’ back together (due to some phenomenal demand on the internet) and we released a ‘comeback’ album last year.
The reviews are ..well ..astounding! We have had national magazine coverage, won ‘album of the year’ & three other awards, in one magazine, hundreds of overseas reviews, WORDLWIDE distribution for the album, and we are set to start recording the second album early next year. Back with the original line-up from 1987, it really is the best time! The album is called ‘Undivided’..mostly my own songs, and we are held in such high regard in the ‘AOR rock field’. All thanks to a chance meeting on ‘myspace’ in 2007.
I still do all my artworks and my prices and sales have soared since i started. Alas i let my gallery go due to ‘high street recession’ but that was a blessing as i just couldn’t juggle everything. I work from home again, and i have now sold paintings for £2000..which is a major feat i think!
So everything is great right now…And the path started when i came to see you. So again, thanks for everything – i still remember the meetings we had like they were yesterday. I remember how to let ‘bad things’ in for a minute or so, and how to push them back out again. How to picture stuff so i get it right, and not to let things confuse my decisions. I guess i have my own little procedures that i swear by. Bad days? Not often at all..good days? Tons!!!
Please feel free to use anything here as a testament to the fact that you’re work and help really does put people on the right path.
All the best Paul – you legend!!”
Greg Hart
* results may vary
Emetophobia Treatment
“Hi Paul,
It’s Tom here, I came to see you last over a month ago now. Thought I’d let you know I’m managing much better now. Glad I finally came to see you!“
* results may vary
Gambling Treatment
“Hello Paul,
I thought I would send you a message about how I’m doing. After seeing you, my life has completely changed. I haven’t gambled now for over 2 and half months, haven’t even wanted too or thought about it. I’m much fitter, healthier and so much happier in life. I know it was down to me to change but really couldn’t have succeeded without you. I wanted to say thank you – you have no idea how much your advice has helped.
Hope you’re well. All the best.”
Mr A. S.
* results may vary
Anxiety & Fear of Public Speaking
“Dear Paul,
Words can’t express how much your help has changed my life. I feel so happy, confident and free now. I look forward to my future. Situations when I’m the centre of attention and public speaking are things I now enjoy doing! In the past this would of filled me with anxiety and panic.
Recently I gave a speech to a large audience and loved every minute of it. I didn’t know what to expect of NLP, however your friendly approach made me feel at ease immediately and your explanations made things easy to understand. I know something has changed within, I no longer feel limited in my life but have the self-belief to ‘just go for it’ and this all happened so quickly.
Anyone thinking of seeing Paul, please DO IT. Don’t think you have to live with things the way they are for the rest of your life, you CAN change it, I DID!!”
* results may vary
Fear of Driving
“Dear Paul,
Hope you are well! Just a quick email to say that I am doing well and have been on the underground on quite a few occasions and have coped really well. I have also been driving and did my first 40 mile trip last week which I have not done in about 7 years!
I coped better than I thought with that (Matt was with me in the car) and I didn’t feel like I wanted to freak out in situations where there was a bit of traffic, although I was still a little nervous which I put down to not driving for so many years and having to get back into the swing of things!
So I think for now that I don’t need the follow up appointment we had set up for Friday 30th April – as I feel I am doing OK and plan on seeing how I get on over the next couple of months. If I feel I could still do with another session with you I will be in touch to arrange another time – I hope this is OK with you?
I would like to thank you once again for changing my life for the better and helping me cope with things that I thought were going to run my life forever!
I will keep you posted on progress! Thank you again for changing my life Paul.
Best wishes”
Debbie Aylward
* results may vary
Emetophobia Treatment
“Hi Paul,
I came to you on Friday. And I’m sorry I haven’t been in contact sooner, I have just been thinking of the right words.
I guess what I want to say is Thank You! So much! Its been almost a week and its all still going well! I have no worries of what I eat. I’ve had pasta, toast, chocolate, haribo, spaghetti, falafel and of course PIZZA!! I’ve loved every bite just like you said I would.
I cant believe how that one session changed how I think about food completely. And I don’t think other people understand it either. But i’ve just tried to tell them not to question it.
Already life for everyone at home is better. My little sister and I have our old relationship back (we used to be very close, but she’s found the last year hard to understand), and I can see a weight has been lifted off mum’s shoulders.
I have so much more energy and can finally look forward to having my horses closer to home, so I can visit and ride them whenever I like. For the first few days I had so much energy that I was up at 5am waiting to start the day! But it’s settling now and its back to how it should be.
One last change… at the weekend I went to Camden, for a new tattoo. It’s in italian script (I thought Italian would be most appropriate considering my favorite foods), when translated it means , ” Only when you are no longer afraid, do you begin to live”. Thank you.”
And an update from Rose received several months later ……..
“Hi Paul,
Just thought I’d send you a little update on how everything’s going.
Basically…. its fab!! Its all turned around completely! I don’t know if you remember, but my target was to get to size 8..well I went shopping yesterday, and bought my first bunch of size 8s, and they fit! I’m riding one of my horses again, competing, and winning!!
I leave for Thailand tomorrow, and i’ll be away sunning myself for 2 weeks. So I just thought I’d email you and say another huge Thank you for everything :D Forever grateful”
* results may vary
Fear of Dentists
“Hello Paul,
I had 6 teeth prepared for crowns!! Went back on Friday for check thankfully all ok and I go back on the 18th to have Crowns fitted. I practiced everything you taught me. Thank you very, very much I couldn’t have done it without you! And the dentist said he was impressed.
Thank you.”
* results may vary
Claustrophobia Treatment
“Hello Paul,
Just thought I would drop you a line to let you know how I have been getting on and the answer is really well! I can now go in the toilet at work and lock the door with no problem and the day after I visited you, I went into a toilet at a restaurant again with no problem at all. I have even been in a lift several times, although I’m not yet confident enough to go in one on my own (I went in one yesterday with my daughter and she said it was the first time I had ever been in a lift with her – and she is 29 years old). I wouldn’t say I’m 100% cured yet, but I’m well on the way – as you said, each time I do it it gets easier.
So I just wanted to say thank you and you can count me in your 84% success rate! I have recommended you to a colleague at work who has a problem with flying so you may get a call from her at some point.”
Best regards
* results may vary
Fear of Flying Treatment
” You’ve worked miracles and I cannot thank you enough. With your help you have enriched the lives of every member of my family, especially the visit to Disney which has become the highlight of my daughter’s life so far!! ”
Rowena Chidwick – Cardiff
* results may vary
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