Hypnotherapy in London and South Bucks. All our clinics are fully open. Appointments available online and face to face.
Can Fear Of Medical Procedures Be Cured?
Do you dread having to go to the GP? Does the thought of having to go to hospital send you into a panic? Do you avoid medical appointments due to anxiety?
If you’ve answered yes to one or more of the above you probably suffer from a fear of medical procedures.
The fear is a learnt response and YES it can be cured.
Hypnotherapy is a very effective treatment. In many cases, fear of medical procedures can be treated in 1 or 2 appointments.
Hypnotherapy for fear of medical procedures can help you.
What Causes Fear Of Medical Procedures?
Whether your fear is about a specific procedure, a CT or MRI scan, a surgical procedure, a general anaesthetic or any other medical procedure the thing that links all these fears is Anxiety.
The fear is a learnt Neurophysiological response. That may sound complicated but it simply means the thought or memory of something induces a physiological, emotional response. And this is why clinical Hypnotherapy can help you overcome the fear and make a lasting recovery.
It doesn’t matter how or why you learnt to be afraid. We can help you overcome the fear.
Treatment is quick and easy with patients typically making significant improvements or overcoming the fear in 2 appointments.
If fear of medical procedures is causing you anxiety or stopping you having blood tests, vaccinations, dental or medical treatment, get in touch and find out how we can help you overcome the fear and make a lasting recovery.
3 Common Questions People Ask Us About Fear Of Medical Procedures
Can Fear Of Medical Procedures Be Cured?
The 1st question many people ask is “Fear Of Medical Procedures be cured?” The answer is, YES, because the fear is a learnt reflex response, and can be cured.
What’s The Best Treatment for me?
A number of different treatments are available. Many professionals now view Clinical Hypnotherapy as a more effective treatment for this type of condition.
Do I need to know how my fear started?
About 20% of people know how their fear started however the majority or people don’t know how it started.
Fortunately you don’t need to know how or why the fear started.
Because Clinical Hypnotherapy works, it doesn’t matter how the fear started. We can help you overcome Fear Of Medical Procedures.
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
Every year we help more people overcome Fear Of Medical Procedures. Discover how we can help you on your journey towards recovery and wellbeing today.
What’s the best treatment for Fear Of Medical Procedures?
Neuroscientists have proved how learnt responses such as fear are created. And how by reversing the process, we can stop the fear.
Clinical Hypnotherapy uses reflex response learning principles to help you to overcome Fear Of Medical Procedures and make a lasting recovery.
With a simple phobia many patients achieve results in as little as 2 appointments.
Book your free initial consultation. We’ll explain how Clinical Hypnotherapy works. And answer any questions you may have.
Proven Success
“Hi Paul,
Wow what can I say! We have just got back from the dentist with Cara minus 2 teeth! She was a little nervous which you said she would be, but there were no tears, she coped and worked through it fantastically.
I know that this would not of been possible without your help for which we are very grateful. Thank you for fitting Cara in at such short notice and the kind and thoughtful care taken. You have truly helped her conquer her Needle phobia fear, which would of effected her for the rest of her life.
The dentist in Beaconsfield would like to keep your details on record for any patients they have with a phobia. Please let me know some dates for Cara’s follow up appointment and once again thank you so much for all your help.
Many thanks.”
Seamus – Cara’s father
* results may vary
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Helping You Feel Better
Affordable Treatment
We’ve taken great care putting together the best Clinical Hypnotherapy services that offer you a cost effective and personal solution. We don’t turn patients down on price. If you can’t afford our fees please talk to us. We may be able to arrange a reduced fee.
The Care You Deserve
Our ethos is that a high quality clinic has friendly and effective care at its heart. That’s why at PhobiaGone, we’ll work with you to build a great working relationship helping you achieve results. And reflected by the fact more of our patients come from personal referals.