Needle Phobia Treatment Case Study
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How our needle phobia treatment helped Linda overcome her needle phobia in just 1 appointment.
I was called by a young woman (to protect her identity I will call her Linda not her real name) who had been given my number by Paul McKenna’s office as one of the people that he refers work to.
Linda’s needle phobia was so bad that she even used to faint when she had her blood pressure done!
She had been told by doctors that she needed to have an operation but she did not want to have it because of her needle phobia was very bad so she was given my phone number as someone who could help her.
We had a chat on the phone and arranged an appointment for as soon as possible as the hospital wanted her to have the operation as soon as possible and the doctors had agreed to give her six weeks to get rid of the phobia.
Linda drove from Devon with her husband to see me and we meet at my office in South Buckinghamshire and started work.
She told me that the doctors had said that she would be in intensive care for a week or so after the operation with a number of drips etc.
We started work straight away and by using the powerful combination of NLP and hypnotherapy after just over 2 hours she was able to think about having an injection and be calm.
Her husband was amazed by how she was now able to feel relaxed while talking about having an injection.
I had a phone call from Linda the following evening and at first I didn’t recognize the voice that was saying “it’s me Linda” as she sounded so different to the scared nervous woman that had first called me.
Linda excitedly told me that the following day she had called her GP and told them that she was ready to come in and have a blood test done as the hospital doctors urgently needed a sample to test.
The staff at her GP knew her by her past reputation as the woman who used to faint and in the past refused blood tests and at first they thought that she was winding them up but Linda insisted that she had changed and wanted the test done so they agreed to do expecting her to not turn up or faint.
The nurse who saw her and did the blood test was amazed not only by the fact that Linda went in and had the test done she was really impressed by how calm Linda had become and was curious by what she had done to change so dramatically as the Linda in front her her now who had just calmly had a blood test done was so different to the Linda she had seen a week or so earlier.
Linda told me that she was so happy and excited about what had happen that she had spent all evening ringing friends and family telling them and wanted to call me to say thank you. And to let me know that she had spoken to the hospital doctors who were delighted and that she was going to go in the following week to have her operation.
I am also delighted to be able to tell you that I spoke to Linda the week after her operation while she was still in hospital and she told me that even though she was in intensive care for several days following the operation.
Although when she woke up she had a total of 18 drips, tubes etc that the doctors had said she would, she had found it easy to deal with the whole experience. The operation had been a complete success
The doctors were amazed and impressed by how different and relaxed she had become. Also by the rapid recovery she was making so much so that she was moved from intensive care to a normal ward a few days earlier than expected and was able to leave hospital for home a week sooner then predicted.
Linda has since referred other clients to me and I have been told a bit more about why the doctors had wanted Linda to have the operation so urgently.
Although I was not made aware of it at the time, the doctors had actually told Linda that either she had the liver operation or that she would probably be dead within 6 months.
Before seeing me Linda was so scared by the thought of needles that she had suggested to her husband that they sell the house and enjoy what time they had left together before she became too ill. Now Linda is fully recovered, healthy and enjoying life with her husband in their house in Devon.
*Please note that while a number of patients overcome the fear very quickly no therapist can guarentee sucess and results may vary from person to person.
From experience we typically find that in the majority of cases needle phobias are treatable in 1 to 3 appointments.
We realize that everyone is different and one of the reasons why we are more successful than some other people is that we are flexible in our approach and have many different methods and techniques available to us.
Everyone is treated as an individual with the treatment you receive from us tailored to suit you, this gives you the best results possible.
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
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